École Polytechnique - Executive Education

The Ecole Polytechnique is one of the most prestigious schools in France. Attached to the Ministry of Defense, it combines research, teaching and innovation at the highest scientific and technological level.

Project description
The Executive Education division is in charge of professional training for technicians, managers, engineers and executives who wish to develop their careers.
The objective of the project was to design a website for X Executive Education that would present all of their training programs and allow them to attract interested future students or team leaders.
The particularity of the need lies in the fact that all the trainings are hosted on a specific content management system for trainings (Ammon from Val Software), requiring to retrieve the data via a webservice. However, the data had to be searchable and filtered by a search engine internal to the site.
Project specifics
We designed the entire platform (graphics and then technical) in permanent contact with all stakeholders, including a technical contact from Ammon, to ensure that the page structures we designed (especially for the thumbnails and training pages) were fully compatible with the data flow we would then feed into them.
We also thought about the rules for updating the data on the site (frequency, priority rules) and set up a technical structure that would allow the content to be readable by search engines, and therefore to participate in the referencing of the site.
The search engine filters were developed and mapped to existing CRM fields to allow a total correspondence and the display of relevant results for the user.
The whole site has been developed with Drupal and some specific developments.
The team dedicated to the complete project
The almost daily work on this project was done by a dedicated team. All the members of this team worked in close collaboration.
Our team of superheroes
Our team of superheroes