ENS École normale supérieure

The ENS is a public establishment of a scientific, cultural and professional nature (EPSCP) within the meaning of article L. 716-1 of the Education Code, placed under the direct authority of the Minister of Higher Education. It is subject to the provisions of this same code and the texts taken for its application, subject to the exemptions provided for in this decree.

Project description
The Ecole Normale Supérieure is one of the most prestigious academic institutions in France in the field of science and literature.
Its 9 libraries contain hundreds of thousands of books, and collections developed since the 19th century in these fields.
In 2019, the network has chosen to redesign its website, in order to give better access to information to its visitors, and a better understanding of the network, while modernizing its image.
Project specifics
The particularity of the ENS is to be a network, and consequently to be constituted of 9 entities with common needs but also each one its specificities. It was thus necessary during the graphic design to juggle with the common interest of the project, and the need of the user to simplify, while respecting the identities and needs of each library.
The site is also a portal, which allows access to information from the database but also to external databases, so it was important to integrate them functionally and ergonomically while making the experience easy and non-confusing for the visitor.
The team dedicated to the complete project
The almost daily work on this project was carried out by a dedicated team. All the members of this team have worked in close collaboration.
Our team of superheroes
Our team of superheroes