The Advency menagerie
And yes, with 9 cats, 6 dogs and 3 chickens, that's a lot of fur balls (and feathers)!
They don't all come to the office, but they are always there for their humans in the agency so they belong here :)

- Type d'animalCat
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueAfraid of many things
Orpheus, a peasant who regularly squats in unlikely places (such as the sink or the shower). He regularly lies on his back to soften his humans.
Always present in the office, he regularly livens up the agency by stealing stuff from desks and then running to be chased, or by riding through the corridors with his friend Sirius.
Goofy to a fault with the team, he takes his role as caretaker very seriously and fights off any delivery person, postman or trainee candidate who unwisely ventures into the office uninvited. -
- Type d'animalCat
- CaractéristiqueLoves licking plastic
Mimoune (her real name is Opium). She's quite a clingy girl but still quite a grouch. She only has eyes for her "mummy", but gives her a hard time about anything. Fortunately, her mistress forgives her everything, because she has beautiful eyes and is a nice kid.
- Type d'animalCat
- CaractéristiqueSnores louder than a man
Kiki (real name Kiya). Cute little turd, except when she has a lot of snot in her eyes (a bit of a mess). She's a first class pain in the ass, but she's a cuddle addict. She's not a glue pot, she's a leech.
- Type d'animalDog
- CaractéristiqueMakes circles when he pops
The cats love him (not true, they've been hiding for weeks). This beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog is still a big baby but he's so cute. He looks like a teddy bear. His face speaks for itself... You've all already fallen for him, admit it!
- Type d'animalDog
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueAlways hungry
Yes, it's true, in this picture I look like a good girl, but in real life I'm a tornado and I never stop. If I knew how to speak it would go like this: "Play, where's the ball? Play, play, play, play, drink, play! Eat, drink, play! Sleep...
- Type d'animalCat
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueNight Sprinter
Appearances can be deceiving, and here's a vivid example, you see her quietly posing... But wait until midnight and you'll have a professional wrestler jumping off the curtain rods with mischievous meows to inform you that no, she's not sleepy after a 17 hour nap.
- Type d'animalCat
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueVery strong judge
This big old granny was taken in when she was 3 weeks old and loves to spread out on the sofa and in the middle of the bed, preventing any human being from settling in. A real glue pot, she enjoys napping against cushions or on top of her owner (especially in summer).
- Type d'animalCat
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueWould love to eat a chicken
A wonderful cat that sleeps all day and wakes everyone up at night (especially me) to enter/exit/enter/exit the house
- Type d'animalDog
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueThe world's meanest dog
This dog is NICE. Of course, when people pass in front of the house, it barks, it's smart, it commands respect. But then, as soon as the stranger passes the gate, it does nothing more. It also serves as a horse for the children.
Croquette, Roussette and Flavie
- Type d'animalHen
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueNot afraid of dogs and cats
There is a traitor among them: only two of them lay eggs, but as we don't know which one doesn't lay eggs, we keep the three
- Type d'animalCat
- CaractéristiqueChickweed hunter
Ernest likes to chase chickweed, cuddle, play with aperitif spikes and little fabric fish, and take naps and wake up in the morning.
- Type d'animalDog
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueKeeper of the sacred couch
I am a 4 year old Cane Corso who is very cuddly, if a little rough. I love to eat anything (with a preference for old smelly stuff), play and especially enjoy the warmth of the sofa. When it's occupied and there's no more room, no problem! I jump on it and get in there, stepping on everyone and kicking my butt until a seat becomes available. But all this is just so I can sleep on my beloved masters and give them lots of cuddles! Love always triumphs!
- Type d'animalCat
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueGreat explorer
If there were to be a competition of the most liveable cats, zboub would come in last place. Explorer and conqueror, he doesn't hesitate to put himself in crazy situations (wtf is that word). You may have already come across him on Leboncoin as he loves to get lost in the wild. At 10 years old, he is starting to gain in wisdom. He is still extremely endearing <3
- Type d'animalCat
- Son humain
- CaractéristiqueCute pot-de-glue
As the reigning champion of the cutest and nicest cat, she does not give her trust easily. But once acquired, she becomes the most loyal cat in the west. She doesn't start or end a day without a kiss :3