In regards to...
Hello! My name is Jérôme and I am a study manager.
When you have a digital project in mind, there are many graphic, technical and organizational aspects to take into account. My goal is to accompany you from the beginning of your project and to study in detail each of your needs to guide you on the most appropriate solutions.
Understanding, anticipating and advising are the main words that characterize my missions. Very involved in each one of them, my principal engine with the daily newspaper is the success of your project.
All of its skills
All of its skills
Analysis and listening
Analysis of the entire project spectrum in the pre-sales phase:
- Understanding the need
- Identification of the stakes, anticipation of the pitfalls
- Taking into account project requirements and technical constraints
- Taking into account UX/UI best practices, accessibility, RGAA, RGPD
- Advice on the strategic aspects of the project design - Refinement of the need, arbitration on the necessary choices with consideration of the users' interests
- Definition of the team, planning, handing over of project knowledge -
Strategic support
Advice on strategic decision making throughout the project, taking into account :
- The interests of the user'/li> The interests of the project owner The added value of the functionalities in relation to the development time
- SEO, RGPD, RGAA, UX best practices
- Of eco-responsibility and digital sobriety (ease of subsequent maintenance)
- Of the technical environment and the digital ecosystem to date
- Of the commercial positioning and the envisaged sales strategy
Her passions and hobbies
Her passions and hobbies
Playing sportsI like to challenge myself and continually strive to improve both physically and mentally.
Eating ItalianCarbo, Bolognese, seafood, lasagna or pizza... The other main reason I work out so much is so that I can eat all these delicious dishes all day long!
Drinking Ti'punchConverted to rum by my neighbors from Reunion Island, I swear today only by this sacred drink (in moderation of course)