- Experience10 years old
- Finalised project100+
- Work for Advencysince 2019

In regards to...
First and foremost a self-taught developer, I was able to contribute to a wide range of projects through my experiences as a freelancer and at Advency. I participated in the development of several e-commerce platforms, inventory management software, html5/js video games and a lot of small missions, debugging, script installation...
My pet peeve is to get into a big project in distress and to understand the working methods of the project developers. This has allowed me to acquire versatility and increase my speed of intervention on existing projects. It also allows me to be inspired by the good methods I notice in order to improve continuously.
In addition, my experience as a freelancer has allowed me to interact directly with clients, to better understand them and eventually advise them in the sectors that I master (especially video games)
All of its skills
All of its skills
Specification and design
UML method
Entities/Associations model with the Merise method -
Object Oriented Programming
Java, C#, C++, PHP, Javascript, Golang
Event programming
C++/Qt - Java/Swing - Solidity
Data base
Blockchain -
Web development
Frameworks : Bootstrap, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Symfony3. Angular2/7+, VueJS, ReactJS
CMS: Wordpress, Drupal8+
Mobility Development Digital
Java on the Android platform
Ionic -
Leaflet, Openstreetmap, Openstreetmap Routing
Her passions and hobbies
Her passions and hobbies
Video gamesI fell into video games in 2005 on world of warcraft. Since then I have an unrequited love for Blizzard. I'm also very interested in web3 since the explosion of NFT and their application in video games (THE FU-TUR)
SportI love cycling (bmx, road) and skateboarding. Unfortunately I don't have the courage in winter, fat reloading zone.